
Friday, December 2, 2022

Free No Down And Creative Financing Real Estate Techniques



Want to... Earn More Money From EVERYTHING? Including Home Loans? Grow Your Existing Business?  or Start a New and Exciting Career?  All at No Cost? Click Here to Learn How!

Learn how to buy houses, homes and commercial properties for absolutely Nothing Down and even get cash back at close of escrow!  With absolutely no down payment. 

     Workable FREE creative financing and no money down real estate investment courses, books and techniques are unheard of, and the operative word is "workable".  It's true that creative financing and no down courses and books are available everywhere--  But they are not cheap, they aren't FREE and they often neglect to provide the best stuff.   The truly effective no down techniques usually are closely guarded secrets that are usually revealed only after paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for seminars and multi day conferences.  Even then, they usually consist of information that is often outdated or unusable in the real world.  They often sound great but just don't work.  I promise you, the financing techniques and information that follow are real, are truly FREE with no surprise paid for upgrades... and most importantly, they actually work.  Everything has either been used successfully either for myself or by me for a client, or by one of my contemoraries.   

Why am I giving away all of this information?  For a number of reasons... 

1. I'm a nice guy! Well maybe, that's not the only reason, but it really is part of it. :-)

2. Hopefully, if you need help financing a transaction (No Down or otherwise), you might use us for your home loan or one of ASN's hundreds of partners for other business or personal needs.  We provide an array of legal and financial solutions unlike any company in existence.  

    Additionally anything you could possibly need or want is available through our network of merchants and professionals.   If you need it, it's here and for less!   Take a look around, every company you see wants to serve you... to earn your business and the business of your friends and family.  See the links to which they will go! Click Here    

3. If you get into an especially complicated transaction or have other needs, mortgage reduction, taxes, bankruptcy, etc...  We have affordable solutions and hope you will give us the opportunity to show what we can do for you.   We are committed to providing the best services at the lowest possible costs.

     You see, I haven't really provided all of this with no hope of anything in return, but whether or not you EVER, use any of our partners or services... the information is Here--  it's yours.  And it's free.    One More Thing...

    Don't make the age old mistake of thinking "you get what you pay for".  I promise you, there is as much, and even more workable information on creative financing and no down techniques in these pages than many courses I've personally examined that others have sold for well over $500.  There is a treasure trove of valuable information here. Use it and feel free to share it.  


Good Luck


Bruce E Castro


RULE #1! 
With Motivated Buyers and Sellers All Things are Possible!

    You already know a bit about me.  I'm Bruce E Castro, founder of the solutions network and I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you is in no way meant to bolster my ego, or even to enhance anyone's perception of me.  It is for the sole purpose of letting you know that the information I am about to share with you is real life, workable, stuff.  As you read these pages you may sometimes ask yourself "can you really do that!".  If it's here... the answer is always yes! 

    People all over the country have used these techniques to start investment careers;  or to get that sense of family security that can only come from owning your home rather than renting and dealing with ever increasing rents... then at the drop of a hat having to move and change your children's schools all because the owner decided to let uncle Bill move into "your" home. 

    Thousands are now home owners because after being told by "the professionals" that buying was impossible for them because of their job, their income, their credit, lack of cash, etc... they found and followed these principles.

The professionals were wrong... and they still are... Most have no clue these methods even exist...

Let alone how to put them in practice!    What we teach will never be found in real estate schools.   


   Realize this-- These no down techniques DO work-- and can they be utilized by anyone!   I've been in the real estate industry in one way or another since I was 18 years of age.   By the time I was 23 I had purchased about 15 houses--  Over the course of my career, I couldn't even tell you how many homes I've purchased-- all with absolutely nothing down! 

     That means NOT ONE PENNEY COMING OUT OF MY POCKET! and in most cases, I actually had checks of anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 or more paid to me at the close of escrow...  And I still owned the property! 

Sounds impossible doesn't it?  Well, it's not.

It doesn't take money, it doesn't take a good job-- and it doesn't take good credit... It simply takes the consistent utilization of proper creative financing and no money down techniques... 


Remember, success really isn't about what you know... it's about what you do!  

See The Number One Key to Success in Anything.

   As you can imagine, as young as I was when I started, I had no money or credit-- and no-- I didn't have an inheritance or rich co-signer.  All I had was knowledge that I was lucky enough to acquire by being around the right people at the right time.   How did I do it?  How is it still done?  How can you or anyone else do it?  In these next pages you will find out.

These pages contain a wealth of information on a variety "investment" methods all compacted in but several pages, each geared towards making you money.   Since I'm not selling this information, I don't have to impress anyone or work to justify a high price by writing a 200 page treatise  I'm giving you the straight facts as quickly and clearly as I possible.  The faster you can get through it and understand it... the quicker you can start take advantage of what it can do for you.

 I'm a firm believer in financial diversification.  In other words, creating income from many directions.  It is with that substantially, mind that The Solutions Network was created-- to help in the quest for financial independence.  Obviously, each financing method will work equally well for a man or woman.  But, since it is simpler to write "he" and "him" rather than he/she or him/her, that's what I have done.  


Keep in mind that reading the chapters out of order will diminish the value of the information.  Much like looking at one corner of a Rembrandt painting can not give you a complete appreciation of the totality of the work.  So it is with this course.  No, I have no illusions of being a financial Rembrandt :-) but the analogy still; holds... The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Each chapter is a building block, each is partially supported by the information of the previous chapter.  For example Chapter 5 may not make much sense without an understanding of the principles of chapter 4 and so on.  By all means, peruse-- jump around.   However, if you want the full advantage of what is contained, at some point, read it from beginning to end.

 You will find many valuable techniques.  Some will seem so simple that you will find it hard to believe that they work- but they do!  Others, conversely, may seem too complex to actually be of little use, but for the right circumstances, they will be perfect.


I want to repeat this...  Every technique and method taught is both effective and workable. I have been heavily involved in the Real Estate industry since 1976 and every method I am about to show you, I have either used for myself, used it in structuring a transaction for a client or have seen it used by a contemporary.  So, be assured, these techniques are working for others and they will work for you.



Something else to keep in mind while studying this...  Some of the ideas included here, quite frankly, are in gray areas of financial legislation and must be used ethically.  In fact, as to a few, I have been advised to refrain from even disclosing them; however, I they are here nevertheless, for the following reasons:

 1) Although, one of the financing methods, if used IMPROPERLY, can cause legal difficulties; however, if used for the right property, under the right circumstances, and with the right intent, it is the ideal "nothing down" method for both you and the seller.

 2) For loan qualifying purposes, you will learn how others have created their own income history to show the income needed to qualify.  Obviously, this is information that no lending institution wants you to have, but as head of The Solutions Network, my goal isn't to look out for the interests and desires of banks... they do alright on their own...  my commitment is to give you and every ASN member or visitor, every tool and every bit of information possible to help achieve their goals.

Real estate financing is an art, and like any art form, you are limited only by your creativity.  There are onlyh so many circumstances than make a down payment and get a loan work. 

  • It doesn't work if you have bad credit.

  • It doesn't work if you have little income or no job at all.

  • I doesn't work if you don't have little down payment.. or none at all...

Even if you fall into the each of the above categories, you can become a homeownerThere are more methods and techniques for buying than most people would probably ever imagine; and no matter what your financial situation is, there absolutely is a way for you to become a home owner or the owner of profitable rental properties and investments.


I have broken up the real estate portion of the financial guide into two general sections. 

The first section assumes that you have some assets to work with; not necessarily cash, but rather, maybe you already own a home with some equity in it, have a second car you don't need, or possibly in the past you sold a property and the buyer still owes you for part of the equity you had. 

The second section assumes that you have nothing to work with except your desire to acquire real estate... No cash, No equities in properties, No notes due you, Maybe, even no job! No matter what your situation, these methods will work for you.


     As mentioned above, in explaining these various real estate financing methods, I am condensing a tremendous amount of information into limited space.  In doing so, I may, at times, inadvertently use a term or phrase that is unfamiliar to you.  If this happens and I have not explained it fully somewhere in its section, don't hesitate to call a local real estate agent or escrow company.  I assure you, they will be more than happy to explain it to you fully; the agent because he hopes to be able, at some point, to make a sale.  The escrow company because they hope you will open the escrow with them.  My goal in writing this is not to give you a complete detailed education in real estate law and phraseology but rather in foundational principles. 

     Laws and phrases vary from state to state, but principles are universal.  My goal is to teach you the nuts and bolts concepts you need to evaluate a property, and to make the best decision as to which financing method to use.

On occasion, while giving actual examples of how a certain method was used, I may allude to a principle that although, not explained as a financing method, is nevertheless of such importance that I feel you should etch it firmly in your memory.  Any information that fits into that category will be bolded.  So, if something is printed in bold, please pay special attention. 

You Are at Intro to No Down

II  No Cash Down

III  Borrow Against Asset

IV  Selling Money

V  Absolutely No Down

VI  Formal Assumption

VII  Subject To Assumption

VIII  Assume & Seller Carry

IX  Wrap Around

No Job & No Money

XI No Down & Cash Back

XII  Get Creative

XIII  Closing Costs

XIV  Finding Properties

XV  Apply What You Know


Chapter 2.

II  No Cash Down



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Get a Quote... Get a Gift!!...


See how Pamela IMMEDIATELY saved $1,400 dollars!... Then got a vacation!!  click here.

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These are TRUE VACATIONS... No sales pitch or presentation of any kind required!


The ASN is affiliated with hundreds of companies throughout the world that provide virtually every product and service imaginable...  They want to the chance to EARN or EVEN RE-EARN YOUR BUSINESS!   They've found that subsidizing gift programs in conjunction with providing free trials, samples and quotes is cheaper and more effective than placing countless multi-million dollar ads that in today's day and age no one watches anyway!  They know when you see the values they provide... You, your friends, and your family, will become customers for life! 

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Get a Quote, Choose a Gift!  What could be simpler?

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 So check back often!


Monday, November 28, 2022

Foreclosure: Are you Losing Your Home? Do You Owe More than your House is Worth?

Foreclosure: Are you Losing Your Home? Do You Owe More than your House is Worth?


There is no shame in falling down... The only shame is in not getting back up.  Socrates

    If you're falling... ASN Can Help!        

  • You Don't Have to Lose Your Home! 

    Already in foreclosure?  Is there already a Foreclosure Sale Date?  

    • We can and will stop it without Bankruptcy!

  • You Don't Have to be Burdened with Exorbitant House Payments!

  • You Don't Have to Be Stuck With High Interest Rates

  • You Don't Have to be Saddled with a Home that's Worth Less than You Owe

And You Don't Have to Refinance or File Bankruptcy to Do It!   

Real Issues...

Need Real People...


For a Free No Obligation Consultation

877 604 6636 Ext 601

When calling, please reference

Service ID #


The Solutions Network

Are you Losing Your Home?  Do You Owe More than your House is Worth?

Our Goal is Simple... To Solve Your Issue.

Our overarching objective is to solve your Mortgage and Real Estate Issues in a manner

that fits your needs and at a cost you can afford.

  • Are your payments are Behind?  We can get them current...

  • Payments too high?  We can lower them.

  • Are you in default?  If Necessary, we can pull you out.

  • Do You Owe Too Much?  We can probably even reduce your balances! 

And we'll do it without the need for a new loan, refinance or bankruptcy!

We want what you want...  an outcome that is Good for You and Good for Your Family--

It's a Tragic Fact!

The government has put in place financial programs that allow millions of families to save their homes, lower their payments, wipe out tens of thousands of dollars on their mortgages...

So, What's the Tragedy? 

Actual statistics show that 75% of these MILLIONS of struggling families;  families who are fighting to but still losing their homes actually qualify for this life changing program.   Entire families plunging into foreclosure while continuing to vainly attempt to make outrageous house payments...  They are fighting and losing their homes simply because they don't know help exists or don't know they qualify. 


Following a few of our scores of customer testimonials:

(Other than hilighting, each is exactly as provided by our customer... typos and all!)

Anthony was not only behind in payments...

but a his foreclosure sale date had actually been set!

Anthony M.

I would like to thank you for the work you did on my home loan modification! We must say that your expertise you exhibited not only let us keep our home but lowered our interest rate from 5% fixed to 3.1% fixed for 30 years! This literally lowered my payments by over $300.00!

Thank you so much!


Willie and Katherine G.

ASN Mortgage negotiations/foreclosure prevention services are the absolute best. My wife and I were going through difficult financial circumstances, and they put our mind at ease, and allowed us to get another chance, and get back on the right track. We strongly recommend their services. We would also like to personally thank Lisa for all of her hard work and dedication. This company is a God send, and if you ever get in a situation like ours, I wouldn't hesiate to utlize them. Willie & Katherine G.06/2016 Homeowners


Stu L.

Thank you so much!!! I lost my job, got behind on my house payments.  I finally got another job but for less money so I still couldn't make my payments.  I tried to negotiate with my lender on my own but got nowhere.  I was depressed, foreclusure was on the way and just knew I was going to lose everything.  Then a good friend referred me to your company   I really didn't have much hope but I thought, " don't I at least have to try?".

I still can't believe what you guys did! You lowered my payments by over $700 a month.  I didn't have to worry about my back payments because they were put to the end of my loan, I didn't have to start my new payments for 30 days, and my loan balance was lowered by $50,000 dollars!

I still don't know how you did it, but you did.  Thank you!

****************************** . 

Brad W.

Thank you for taking away the stress and uncertainty of a bad financial situation. When you don't really know where to turn ASN Financial Services is the place. Having a knowledgeable advocate on your side is a great asset when dealing with financial institutions. You have shaved over $500 off our mortgage and helped to get us back on the right track to financial stability. If you need help with a new mortgage, refinancing, renegotiation, taxes, bankruptcy or any financial situation I strongly recommend ASN Financial Services!!!


Mark L.

Thank you for all of your help, Lisa! You just don't know how much of a relief it has been to have you going to bat for me so I could concentrate on work and family.  You lowered my payment by over $600 a month!  I won't hesitate to tell all my friends and family about this and your other financial services.  What a concept, a company I can trust.



True Story of a True Recent Client:

One of our recent clients, Stuart S, due to our weak economy like millions of others:

  • Lost his job

  • Got behind on his payments

    • By the time he found another job... it was for less money, so...

  • He was was unable to make up the back payments...

  • He no longer earned enough to even afford his normal monthly payments, let alone make up arrearages!

He contacted his lender and went through all the steps in an attempt to have his loan terms adjusted so as to save his home.  Because it was new to him and he was unfamiliar the proper steps, desired debt to income ratios, programs and the most effective strategies, it was denied and so he resigned himself to losing his home.

Then a friend of his, one of our members, told him about ASN services.  Even though skeptical, because he had already been turned down, he contacted us... 



  • We reduced Stu's mortgage payment from $1,500 per month to about $800

  • We were able to postpone his next payment for an additional 30 days.

  • We rolled his past payments back into his loan balance, making him current without a penny out of pocket.

  • Even with the arrearages added back into the loan amount, we were able to reduce his mortgage balance by more than $50,000 dollars!

We were able to stop foreclosure, save his home, postpone his next payment, cut his monthly payments almost in half, and reduce the amount owed by more than $50.000 dollars!...


Even though other companies charge from $3,500 to $5,000 or more for this type of service and require full payment up front, we did all of this for only $1,500 and we even let him to make payments.

At ASN, we have a saying...

"A solution you can't afford, is not a solution"

We truly are here to help.

If you or someone you know is burdened with unaffordable house payments.

If you are buried and owe thousands more than it's worth...

If you or someone you know is in need... LET US HELP!

877 604 6636  Ext 603

When calling, please reference

Service ID #


Do you know someone who needs help?  Please, copy and Share this Link- or just click the share buttons below.

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A Solution that's Not Affordable... Is No Solution at All.

 Whatever your issue, house payments, credit card debt, bad credit, etc... in most cases, our synergy of professions can facilitate an outcome that provides an all inclusive resolution. 

Depending on your circumstances and needs, our services and solutions can include the saving of your home (if you so choose), or the postponement of foreclosure for the maximum term, often while living rent  free (up to two years from your first missed payment), then upon vacating the property, financial restitution to you-- all in conjunction with a concurrent resurrection of credit status, while freeing yourself of debt.



Because, we are a network of professionals spanning many financial fields, below are a few of them... 




Mortgage Negotiation

$3,500 or more

$ 1,500 payment plan available


$1,500 - $5,000

$295 - with payment plan available

Credit Repair

$1,200 or more

$ 400  approximately

Tax Preparation

Varies with Complexity

Always about half to two third's of competitor fees

And we pride ourselves on finding the hard to find deductions that minimize liability and maximize Refunds.


 This gives us an unparalleled synergy that allows for the types of unique, creative and effective strategic solutions that are imperative for today's complicated issues.  Additionally, our financial and business diversity affords us the luxury, of having no incentive to do anything other than provide the very best solutions and strategies for addressing your situation no matter what is may be.


For example, when faced with identical problems:

                The real estate agent will tell you to "short sale" your home.

                The loan officer will tell you to refinance your home.

                The bankruptcy attorney will tell you to file a chapter 13.

                The debt negotiator will tell you to attempt a restructuring of your debt.

 We have only one goal... to solve your problem!

Unlike companies that provide only one particular service and therefore have a financial interest in convincing you that their service is the answer to your problems... Our Network provides all relevant viable services and options to credit, debt, real estate, family and many other issues... 


Our diversity affords us the luxury of giving you the straight, unadulterated truth as to what your best course of action should be. 


The fact is that the best solution to your situation might be a combination of the above.

However, as long as the "expert" has an incentive or knowledge base that is insufficient to provide anything other than their particular service, it's not always possible to know that you are getting an objective, accurate opinion...  an opinion that truly has your best interests at heart...


You simply can not know that you are being provided with the analysis and strategy that is truly effective based on the dictates of your unique situation.  Because we handle all aspects of real estate and financial issues, we have the luxury of being able to give you the best strategy based on the dictates of your situation with no fear of losing business.  Why?

Whatever the needs of your situation require, our Network of Professionals provides it.

 There is a Solution and We Will Find It and Solve it at a Cost that is affordable...

Following is a quick comparison of services and fees.

Solutions Network Financial Services

Our Network of business and finance professionals run the gamut of Court and Financial Related Services, thus providing a creativity and flexibility, heretofore unheard of.  These areas of expertise include but not limited to...





Mortgage Negotiation

$3,500 or more

$ 1,500 payment plan available


$1,500 - $5,000

$295 - payment plan available

Credit Repair

$1,200 or more

$ 400  approximately

Tax Preparation

Varies with Complexity

Always about half to two third's of competitor fees

And we pride ourselves on finding the hard to find deductions that minimize liability and maximize Refunds.


Our diversity eliminates the natural tendency of many

companies towards a "one solution fits all problems" bias.

Always an Honest Evaluation of What's Best for You!

 We have no incentive to sway you in one direction or another. 

We analyze the facts, offer our opinions and options, then let you decide, based on an objective analysis of all viable options.

And what's more, regarding every service we provide, we are dedicated to making them affordable.


We often hear...

"That attorney told me his fees were $1,800 dollars...  heck... if I had $1,800 dollars I wouldn't have to file Bankruptcy!"  You will never feel compelled to make that statement to...  or about us.


There is a Solution and We Will Help You Find It.

The perfect solution, the best strategy is always dependent upon the full details of your situation... 

Are you current, behind, how far behind, has a notice of default been filed? Is there a sale date, do you owe more than the home is worth? Do you have equity, if so how much?


And of course, what are you actually trying to accomplish?  Save the home?  Stay there as long as possible without making payments, keep the home, but lower the payments, lower the principle balance?


 Our goal is not to look out for the interests of your creditors, your lender or anyone else...  We have one goal, one objective to create the best strategy to accomplish your objectives given the facts at hand.

Let us know, about your situation and what you are trying to accomplish. 

We'll give you an honest assessment of what can and can't be done.  Then formulate a strategy that is guaranteed to create the very best possible outcome.


We are committed to the Best Service and Lowest Fees.




Mortgage Negotiation

$3,500 or more

$ 1,500 payment plan available


$1,500 - $5,000

$295 - payment plan available

Credit Repair

$1,200 or more

$ 400  approximately

Tax Preparation

Varies with Complexity

Always about half to two third's of competitor fees

And we pride ourselves on finding the hard to find deductions that minimize liability and maximize Refunds.


The Solutions Network-- Real People Solving Real Problems.

 Call us Toll Free for a Free No Obligation Consultation

 877 604 6636 ext 601

            When calling, please reference Service ID#



In spite of what you may have heard or thought. 

There is light at the end of the tunnel.  

We're there to help you find it.


Preventing the loss of your home could be easier than you think. A little financial expertise can solve many of the major problems that lead to foreclosure. It includes the art of negotiating with your current lender on your behalf to address problems which would otherwise cause you to lose your home. The best strategy for using mortgage negotiation service depends largely on which of these problems is your greatest challenge.

1. Are your mortgage payments too high?
If your payments are too high, it could be due either to the loan balance or to your interest rate. If it's because of your loan balance, it may be possible to lower your payments by reducing the principal loan balance.

2. Is your interest rate too high?
Maybe your payments are too high primarily because of the interest rate. If you find the interest rate overly high - even if you are current on payments - the bank may be willing to consider lowering your interest rate.

3. Do you owe more than the home is worth? Or is there too little equity to refinance?
This is a common problem: particularly in hard hit states like Ohio, Florida, and California and some major cities like Baltimore, MD. If you have been turned down for a refinance recently because you didn't have enough equity, There's good news: a mortgage negotiator can help persuade the lender to work out an agreeable solution.

4. Are you behind on your mortgage payments?
Depending on the situation, your lender may not take your case seriously until you are several months behind. However, there are certain other solutions available to you only if you are current on your mortgage payments. Hence the importance of enlisting this service as early on as possible. You need help to keep all your options open as long as possible. 

5. Are you are recovering from a crisis?
Were you recently between jobs, or are you recovering from an illness that caused you to fall behind on your mortgage payments? Do you believe you could keep up with your mortgage payments and other bills from now on? Your lender may be willing to work out agreeable terms to keep you in your home.

6. Are you retired, on a fixed income?
Were you turned down recently for a reverse mortgage? Were you told that you don't have enough equity? It may be possible to overcome these hurdles and qualify for a reverse mortgage after all!


7. Has your refinance been denied?
No matter the reason, it may be possible to work something out with the lender on the current loan so that the terms become tolerable and there is no longer the pressing need to refinance. New government loan program requirements may deem you eligible for refinance once again. Your negotiator should be able to point you to the right mortgage broker with expertise in this area.


 See more information and form below:

Go to the web page here.
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Free Business Opportunity For Stay at Home Moms!

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