
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Do You Need a Will?

Free Will information and services regarding Why are wills important.   Are wills  important?  Wills, trusts and estate planning is absolutely  vital  to the future security and protection of your family. Don't underestimate the importance of wills and proper estate planning.


Living Trust
Living Trust

If you've been putting off making a will because the thought of your own demise is too much to bear, stop, and think of the consequences to your family, when the courts step in and decide how to deal with your assets.

Make sure your assets are distributed as per your wishes...

not whims of a Judge who nothing of you or your preferences.

Below are ten of the most compelling reasons why it's so important to your family that you take the action that insures you decide and control  you worked for is ultimately distributed amongst those you love...  If you don't,  Who will? 

If you die without a will...

1. The court will appoint an administrator, for a fee.
The administrator will distribute your money and your belongings according to state law. You don't want this to happen because a court-appointed administrator won't know your personal interests and keep your needs in mind. With a will, you choose the person, called an executor, who sees to it that your property is distributed according to your specific wishes.

If you die without a will...

2. Your spouse may end up with less than s/he needs.
Your surviving spouse may not have enough funds to make ends meet because, for example, more money may go to your children than you wanted. In your will, you can make sure that your spouse gets enough money to live comfortably.

  If you die without a will...

3. Your assets may be divided equally among your heirs.
If there is no surviving spouse, your assets will be parceled out equally among your heirs. You may not want this to happen. For example, you won't be able to protect your assets from an adult child's creditors or the financial ravages of a divorce decree. Or, one adult child may be well off and not need the money while another child really could use some financial assistance. Also, you may have another family member or friend you want to help and, without a will, it won't be possible.

 If you die without a will...

4. Your grandchildren may not get a cent.
When no beneficiaries have been specified, most state courts will grant an estate's assets first to a surviving spouse, then children, often leaving out the generation after. With a will you can allocate assets to go to grandchildren and, through a trust, you can name a guardian to manage their financial affairs until they're ready to do so on their own.

If you die without a will...

5. Your stepchildren may get nothing.
Because most states define heirs as "blood" relatives, stepchildren may not be recognized as heirs. An exception may be made when a stepchild has been legally adopted. A will, however, can insure stepchildren are not left out.


If you die without a will...

6. You can't name a guardian for minor children.
Without a will, you may not get the guardian you want for minor children. With neither parent alive, the grandparents are the natural guardians of minor children, but it may be up to a court to decide which set of grandparents.

 If you die without a will...

7. You won't be able to minimize estate taxes your children or other heirs might have to pay.
You and a spouse can shelter as much as $1.3 million of assets from federal estate taxes by setting up trusts within your wills. You'll need the help of an experienced professional to draft the wills for you.

If you die without a will...

8. You can't leave your favorite things to your favorite people.
With a will, and an adjoining letter of intent, you can specify who gets what. It's a good way to avoid family fights. A letter of intent is like a laundry list of items with the corresponding beneficiary. (Note: In some states, letters of intent can be changed from time to time without having to re-do the will).

If you die without a will...

9. You can't leave contributions to a church or charity.
State laws do not consider religious and charitable institutions as heirs. Only a will can spell out how your money can be passed to non-heirs and insure your favorite charity gets a donation.

 If you die without a will...

10. Your loved one could lose his/her benefits.
You may cause a problem if money ends up going to a parent or other family member who's being cared for by Medicaid in a nursing facility. Medicaid has strict income qualifications. The added income may disqualify your loved one for continuing to receive benefits.


In today's society and with today's government, which has the general mindset, that it knows better than you, what is best for you.  It has never been more important than now, to be certain that you are the person making the decisions that will affect your family, friends and loved ones for years after you are gone.

Do you need an attorney?  Probably not.

   The will has been around in substantially the same form for about 500 years.  For the first 450 years, self-help was the rule and lawyer assistance the exception.  They were prepared by laypersons and were perfectly effective.  What has changed?  Virtually nothing-- other than good campaigning by attorneys.  Over the past 50 years they have done a great job of convincing the public that it is dangerous to draft a will without their "expertise" like performing your own brain surgery (they charge about the same) --  (And I have first hand knowledge of this-- Click here for a bit about me).  The reality is that the basic laws (statute of wills) that govern wills has undergone little change.  And lawyers simply are not necessary-- unless....

     Do you have a relatively large estate? Do you want to engage in some sophisticated tax planning?  If this is the case, it may be wise to consult with someone who has knowledge and experience in wills and estate planning.  Otherwise, save your money!  

   Remember, the hardest part is figuring out what you own and who you want it to go to.  Provide us with that information and we do the rest and insure that your will conforms to the minor variations from state to state to insure that you not the state determines who gets your property.



Saturday, November 26, 2022

Devoice Solutions


Divorce Solutions

Unfortunately, separation or divorce creates much more than hurt feelings... 

Two incomes becoming only one often creates tax issues, the need for Credit Repair, Mortgage Reduction or even Bankruptcy. 


OWN A HOME?, often it must be sold, or there may be a need for a quick refinance to pay off court allocated debts or buy out the other spouse. 

NOTHING IS BETTER than the spouses being able to agree and amicably handle the myriad of issues on their own.  Unfortunately, that is usually not how it works.


IF PROFESSIONAL HELP IS NEEDED...  Divorce and the related that come with it  can be handled more quickly, effectively, and inexpensively when handled under the umbrella of one company that handles these many issues and knows your COMPLETE  SITUATION This avoids the problems that are inevitable when the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

It is our sincerest hope that you don't need help.  But if you do...

Our Network of Professionals are here for you!  Click for Related Legal Services.

Free Divorce Help, Consultations, Information or Assistance is not always easy to find.  But to minimize the financial as well as emotional strain of the process-- to those in need, we provide subsidized and even free Divorce help and preparation--

Free Child Support calculations, Click for Child Support Calculators


Online Support Modifications, Free Consultations, and we always strive to make your divorce as affordable as possible.   It is our goal to make this sometimes necessary life event as stress free and simple as possible.  We know that even though sometimes divorce is the best and only solution to marital problems, it's never an easy one. So, try not to make it harder than it needs to be. Below are 10 tips on how to have a successful divorce.


1. THERE ARE NO WINNERS IN DIVORCE. Stop trying to 'best' him/or her.. Even if you get full custody of the kids and the lion's share of the assets, you haven't won. Dr. Jane Greer, author of How Could You Do This to Me? Learning to Trust After Betrayal (Doubleday), says, "You've both lost!  You each lost a partner, being married and dreams of happily ever after..." Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas may have gotten vengeful kicks 'abusing' each other in War of the Roses, but in the end they both crashed and burned.


2. DON'T GO BACK TO RELATIONSHIP SORE SPOTS. Ceaselessly picking at old wounds -- 'You weren't there to pick me up at the hospital after the baby was born'  Doing that will prolong your mutual agony. If you paid attention to me after the baby was born...  Keeping guilt and anger alive keeps you connected, but only in mutual pain. Look at it this way: His flaws aren't your headache anymore.

  Important point from Bruce Castro ASN owner:  

Realize, what happened in the past, is the past.  It is impossible to effectively more forward if you are constantly looking behind you.  I know it's tough, but you have to let it go.


3. DON'T USE THE KIDS AS PAWNS OR A WEAPON. A biggie. Divorce is tough enough on the kids without inflicting dysfunctional divorcing parental head trips upon them. Dr. Greer advises, "Do what's best for the children in terms of custody, visitation, and emotional health issues." Meaning, don't keep the kids from seeing their father or visa versa.  . And don't ask them incessant questions about daddy's or mommy's new girlfriend, or which parent they love best. 

   Important point from Bruce Castro ASN owner:  

   Do you want what's best for your children?... PROTECT THEM FROM YOUR ISSUES!  I've seen children of divorcing parents go from happy straight "A" students, to morose "D" students.  Even the best case divorce  dramatically impacts your children...  Bringing them into your issues makes it a hundred times worse. 


4. DON'T ALIENATE YOUR EX'S FAMILY. When you married the son/daughter, you became their daughter/son. And through the children, you still have ties which will be much harder to maintain if you constantly belittle and complain about your ex to the people who raised him. That's what friends are for.


5. DON'T PROLONG THE SETTLEMENT PROCESS. In a just world, you'd get what's coming to you. And so would your ex.. But life (and settlements) aren't always fair. Obviously, don't let the ex stick it to you over important financial issues. But when it comes to the heirloom lamp that was a wedding gift from his or her aunt but you always liked more, let it go if you must. "Evaluate how necessary something is to you," Dr. Greer says. If you or he keep arguing, stalling, or nickel-and-diming one another, you'll never get the prime benefit of divorce i.e. being rid of the person who most drives you crazy. 

  Important point from Bruce Castro ASN owner- 

The more you fight over assets, the less you each receive.  Even if you win... you probably lost, with the only real winner being the attorneys!  I've seen couples mutually spend $2,000 over a $500 couch! 


6. DON'T EXPECT EMOTIONAL RESOLUTION. See tip #5. Life is messy, with numerous loose ends. The "injustices" you've experienced might never be righted the way you need them to be. If you wait for full closure to get on with your life, you might be waiting an awfully long time.


7. BE CIVIL AND COOPERATIVE. "Stay focused on your goals," suggests Dr. Greer. You might have to work as hard at communicating as you did during the marriage, but at least it doesn't have to be on the same exhausting level. Greer adds, "Just reach some common ground on the issues you need to address together, and try to be pleasant about it."


8. ERECT HEALTHY BOUNDARIES. You're not married anymore. You don't have to (and shouldn't) tell each other everything. Greer says, "Some exes can be friends, others are better off talking just about the kids. Be wary of sharing too-personal details. Stay out of each other's sex life." Which leads to #9:


9. DON'T BECOME EACH OTHER'S SEX LIFE. You're both lonely, scared, vulnerable. The fear and anxiety attracts you to the familiar. Remember Eve and the apple. Don't bite.


10. REVENGE IS OVERRATED. Dr. Greer puts it this way: "Being mired in revenge plots keeps you stuck in the relationship. You're angry and obsessed with the past instead of trying to build your future."


In short, if you're determined to make him miserable and to be miserable yourself, you might as well stay married."


For Child Support Calculator, please choose your state below:

Click the link and the calculator is towards the middle of the page.


Also see:

Thursday, November 24, 2022

No Down Investments: Free Online Creative Financing Courseteaches you to buy real estate with no money, no credit, (even bad credit), and even no job.



Want to... Earn More Money From EVERYTHING? Including Home Loans? Grow Your Existing Business?  or Start a New and Exciting Career?  All at No Cost? Click Here to Learn How!

Learn how to buy houses, homes and commercial properties for absolutely Nothing Down and even get cash back at close of escrow!  With absolutely no down payment. 

     Workable FREE creative financing and no money down real estate investment courses, books and techniques are unheard of, and the operative word is "workable".  It's true that creative financing and no down courses and books are available everywhere--  But they are not cheap, they aren't FREE and they often neglect to provide the best stuff.   The truly effective no down techniques usually are closely guarded secrets that are usually revealed only after paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for seminars and multi day conferences.  Even then, they usually consist of information that is often outdated or unusable in the real world.  They often sound great but just don't work.  I promise you, the financing techniques and information that follow are real, are truly FREE with no surprise paid for upgrades... and most importantly, they actually work.  Everything has either been used successfully either for myself or by me for a client, or by one of my contemoraries.   

Why am I giving away all of this information?  For a number of reasons... 

1. I'm a nice guy! Well maybe, that's not the only reason, but it really is part of it. :-)

2. Hopefully, if you need help financing a transaction (No Down or otherwise), you might use us for your home loan or one of ASN's hundreds of partners for other business or personal needs.  We provide an array of legal and financial solutions unlike any company in existence.  

    Additionally anything you could possibly need or want is available through our network of merchants and professionals.   If you need it, it's here and for less!   Take a look around, every company you see wants to serve you... to earn your business and the business of your friends and family.  See the links to which they will go! Click Here    

3. If you get into an especially complicated transaction or have other needs, mortgage reduction, taxes, bankruptcy, etc...  We have affordable solutions and hope you will give us the opportunity to show what we can do for you.   We are committed to providing the best services at the lowest possible costs.

     You see, I haven't really provided all of this with no hope of anything in return, but whether or not you EVER, use any of our partners or services... the information is Here--  it's yours.  And it's free.    One More Thing...

    Don't make the age old mistake of thinking "you get what you pay for".  I promise you, there is as much, and even more workable information on creative financing and no down techniques in these pages than many courses I've personally examined that others have sold for well over $500.  There is a treasure trove of valuable information here. Use it and feel free to share it.  


Good Luck


Bruce E Castro


RULE #1! 
With Motivated Buyers and Sellers All Things are Possible!

    You already know a bit about me.  I'm Bruce E Castro, founder of the solutions network and I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you is in no way meant to bolster my ego, or even to enhance anyone's perception of me.  It is for the sole purpose of letting you know that the information I am about to share with you is real life, workable, stuff.  As you read these pages you may sometimes ask yourself "can you really do that!".  If it's here... the answer is always yes! 

    People all over the country have used these techniques to start investment careers;  or to get that sense of family security that can only come from owning your home rather than renting and dealing with ever increasing rents... then at the drop of a hat having to move and change your children's schools all because the owner decided to let uncle Bill move into "your" home. 

    Thousands are now home owners because after being told by "the professionals" that buying was impossible for them because of their job, their income, their credit, lack of cash, etc... they found and followed these principles.

The professionals were wrong... and they still are... Most have no clue these methods even exist...

Let alone how to put them in practice!    What we teach will never be found in real estate schools.   


   Realize this-- These no down techniques DO work-- and can they be utilized by anyone!   I've been in the real estate industry in one way or another since I was 18 years of age.   By the time I was 23 I had purchased about 15 houses--  Over the course of my career, I couldn't even tell you how many homes I've purchased-- all with absolutely nothing down! 

     That means NOT ONE PENNEY COMING OUT OF MY POCKET! and in most cases, I actually had checks of anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 or more paid to me at the close of escrow...  And I still owned the property! 

Sounds impossible doesn't it?  Well, it's not.

It doesn't take money, it doesn't take a good job-- and it doesn't take good credit... It simply takes the consistent utilization of proper creative financing and no money down techniques... 


Remember, success really isn't about what you know... it's about what you do!  

See The Number One Key to Success in Anything.

   As you can imagine, as young as I was when I started, I had no money or credit-- and no-- I didn't have an inheritance or rich co-signer.  All I had was knowledge that I was lucky enough to acquire by being around the right people at the right time.   How did I do it?  How is it still done?  How can you or anyone else do it?  In these next pages you will find out.

These pages contain a wealth of information on a variety "investment" methods all compacted in but several pages, each geared towards making you money.   Since I'm not selling this information, I don't have to impress anyone or work to justify a high price by writing a 200 page treatise.   I'm giving you the straight facts as quickly and clearly as I possible.  The faster you can get through it and understand it... the quicker you can start take advantage of what it can do for you.

 I'm a firm believer in financial diversification.  In other words, creating income from many directions.  It is with that substantially, mind that The Solutions Network was created-- to help in the quest for financial independence.  Obviously, each financing method will work equally well for a man or woman.  But, since it is simpler to write "he" and "him" rather than he/she or him/her, that's what I have done.  


Keep in mind that reading the chapters out of order will diminish the value of the information.  Much like looking at one corner of a Rembrandt painting can not give you a complete appreciation of the totality of the work.  So it is with this course.  No, I have no illusions of being a financial Rembrandt :-) but the analogy still; holds... The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Each chapter is a building block, each is partially supported by the information of the previous chapter.  For example Chapter 5 may not make much sense without an understanding of the principles of chapter 4 and so on.  By all means, peruse-- jump around.   However, if you want the full advantage of what is contained, at some point, read it from beginning to end.

 You will find many valuable techniques.  Some will seem so simple that you will find it hard to believe that they work- but they do!  Others, conversely, may seem too complex to actually be of little use, but for the right circumstances, they will be perfect.


I want to repeat this...  Every technique and method taught is both effective and workable. I have been heavily involved in the Real Estate industry since 1976 and every method I am about to show you, I have either used for myself, used it in structuring a transaction for a client or have seen it used by a contemporary.  So, be assured, these techniques are working for others and they will work for you.



Something else to keep in mind while studying this...  Some of the ideas included here, quite frankly, are in gray areas of financial legislation and must be used ethically.  In fact, as to a few, I have been advised to refrain from even disclosing them; however, I they are here nevertheless, for the following reasons:

 1) Although, one of the financing methods, if used IMPROPERLY, can cause legal difficulties; however, if used for the right property, under the right circumstances, and with the right intent, it is the ideal "nothing down" method for both you and the seller.

 2) For loan qualifying purposes, you will learn how others have created their own income history to show the income needed to qualify.  Obviously, this is information that no lending institution wants you to have, but as head of The Solutions Network, my goal isn't to look out for the interests and desires of banks... they do alright on their own...  my commitment is to give you and every ASN member or visitor, every tool and every bit of information possible to help achieve their goals.

Real estate financing is an art, and like any art form, you are limited only by your creativity.  There are onlyh so many circumstances than make a down payment and get a loan work. 

  • It doesn't work if you have bad credit.

  • It doesn't work if you have little income or no job at all.

  • I doesn't work if you don't have little down payment.. or none at all...

Even if you fall into the each of the above categories, you can become a homeownerThere are more methods and techniques for buying than most people would probably ever imagine; and no matter what your financial situation is, there absolutely is a way for you to become a home owner or the owner of profitable rental properties and investments.


I have broken up the real estate portion of the financial guide into two general sections. 

The first section assumes that you have some assets to work with; not necessarily cash, but rather, maybe you already own a home with some equity in it, have a second car you don't need, or possibly in the past you sold a property and the buyer still owes you for part of the equity you had. 

The second section assumes that you have nothing to work with except your desire to acquire real estate... No cash, No equities in properties, No notes due you, Maybe, even no job! No matter what your situation, these methods will work for you.


     As mentioned above, in explaining these various real estate financing methods, I am condensing a tremendous amount of information into limited space.  In doing so, I may, at times, inadvertently use a term or phrase that is unfamiliar to you.  If this happens and I have not explained it fully somewhere in its section, don't hesitate to call a local real estate agent or escrow company.  I assure you, they will be more than happy to explain it to you fully; the agent because he hopes to be able, at some point, to make a sale.  The escrow company because they hope you will open the escrow with them.  My goal in writing this is not to give you a complete detailed education in real estate law and phraseology but rather in foundational principles. 

     Laws and phrases vary from state to state, but principles are universal.  My goal is to teach you the nuts and bolts concepts you need to evaluate a property, and to make the best decision as to which financing method to use.

On occasion, while giving actual examples of how a certain method was used, I may allude to a principle that although, not explained as a financing method, is nevertheless of such importance that I feel you should etch it firmly in your memory.  Any information that fits into that category will be bolded.  So, if something is printed in bold, please pay special attention. 

You Are at Intro to No Down

II  No Cash Down

III  Borrow Against Asset

IV  Selling Money

V  Absolutely No Down

VI  Formal Assumption

VII  Subject To Assumption

VIII  Assume & Seller Carry

IX  Wrap Around

No Job & No Money

XI No Down & Cash Back

XII  Get Creative

XIII  Closing Costs

XIV  Finding Properties

XV  Apply What You Know


Chapter 2.

II  No Cash Down




Chapter 1




Chapter 2 How to

Raise Cash Creatively



Chapter 3

Borrow against money.

Chapter 4

Selling Money



Chapter 5

Buy with no down and get cash back at close of escrow.

Chapter 6

How to assume a loan


Do you or someone you know need a quick infusion of cash? 



Chapter 7

The Wrap Around Basics




Chapter 8

Assumption & Seller Carry



Chapter 9

Wrap Around Mortgages

Wrap Around in Action



Chapter 10

Buy with no job or money



Chapter 11

buy and get cash back

Buy and Get Cash Back 



Chapter 12

Get Creative


Chapter 13

How to Borrow Even Closing Costs



Create the Appearance of Wealth.










Empower Your Future with ASN: Transforming Lives Through Shared Success

Empower Your Future with ASN: Transforming Lives Through Shared Success At ASN, we believe in more than just personal growth – we believe in...